Where you can enjoy good clean fun!
Adventures In Sobriety is a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping people that have suffered with addiction. We are committed to providing a sober place for people to get connected.
Addiction has touched us all. We feel it's time to take a stand and stop treating people that suffer from this horrible affliction like they are criminals and start treating them like humans.
We understand that it's hard work to overcome addiction and there needs to be a balance for playtime.
In our society we have mistakenly set a stage where using alcohol and drugs has become a right of passage into adulthood. Unfortunately, many have become dependent and struggle with getting sober. Some have found this a means of escape from pain. No matter what the the avenue taken, we want to assist you in the healing process back to sobriety, through a means of good clean fun. We pride ourselves in creating a place where you can have fun and not think about the past but take a moment and remember who you were before addiction and move into the new life you're creating for yourself
Join the Adventure
The short version
The Truth about addiction
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